Sacred Self Journal
to help you gain clarity and insight
to help you develop tools you need to easily and effortlessly dive into your self discovery
$111 value for just $4.44
The tools presented here have helped over 1k people go from survival mode, feeling stuck and lost in life, feeling trapped by behaviors that you don’t know how to stop doing, feeling misunderstood and isolated.. to finally feeling settled in themselves and in their life.
The tools that you will develop by using this journal can completely transform your relationship with yourself, and your life as a whole. These tools allow you to have the power to be the creator of your own life, by better understanding yourself.
Hey there! My name is Marissa. I am a healer based in southern California. I have credentials as a hypnotherapist, trauma specialist, reiki master, and more.
For the past few years I have worked with thousands of individuals through my private practice and my work in local rehabs and detox centers, where I worked individually with patients and facilitated therapy groups. These experiences have allowed me to gain an understanding of what REALLY works when it comes to healing, and what doesn't.
The material I present to you is a compilation of information I've gained from working with individuals in person, online. through my vast online research, and my own healing journey.
I am sending blessings & love to you on your own journey.
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" So that was so lovely. Thank you
thank you thank you!! Your voice is
just so relaxing and I could listen to
your guided anything lol the
activation was something very new
for me but it was very powerful. I
could literally feel myself going into
a deep meditative state and my
whole body felt light and tingly (I've
felt that once before but it was only
in my fingers * I did feel a little
emotional after the activation and
our heart lights were growing and
connecting. Admittedly I was too
anxious to join live because I didn't
know what to expect (fitting lol) but
I'm so grateful I was able to watch
the recording and delighted that I
still felt like I got something from it.
I'm really appreciative that you have
these virtual events because I'm
basically on the opposite side of the
continent and I wouldn't be able to
participate with you in in-person
events "
" Hey. I hope that you get a chance
to see this message. I just wanted
to let you know that after taking
your "Anxiety Relief for Inner Peace"
workshop, for the past few days I
can DEFINITELY tell that I'm feeling
SO DIFFERENT than I did before
taking the workshop. It feels like I'm
walking on a new path. The day
after the experience, I already
started feeling the aftermath of it. I
was in shock. I thought it would be
just temporary though, so I didn't
pay it any mind. But it's been a few
days after, and I've been just seeing
more progress within myself: I've
been the most kind to myself than
I've ever been. I had the courage to
do and complete what it was that I
wanted to do, and lastly, I haven't
been reacting to negativity like AT
ALL these past few days, and just
allowing it to "come in-and-out",
allowing it to take its course without
harboring it within myself to then
further create this "heaviness" that
I once had. "
" My life has changed for the better since the day we met Marissa "
Thank you so much for today. Like I said. You are such a bright light, an amazing healer, and a transformational leader. I look forward to watching the replay
" Iv'e been just overall UPLIFTED (in a way) and i just wanted to take this time to say THANK YOU! Taking the workshop was definitely a major factor for my journey and i couldn't be more grateful of it! "
" So i noticed an aura around you in your video after the activation, when you take a sip of water you can see a light coming from your cup and then a lil later around your head "